

This summer, we look forward to partnering with Athletes in Action and running a week-long soccer camp. We highly encourage people from the wider community in Kamloops to sign up.

DATES: Monday, August 12 – Friday, August 16
LOCATION: Summit Drive Church AND McGowan Park Elementary Field
WHO CAN SIGN UP: All kids going into grades 4-7



Soccer Camp Registration

Registration is now open! Register your kids and encourage friends from the community to sign up as well at



Volunteer Opportunities

High school aged youth are highly encouraged to get involved as volunteers. We will also be looking for others to volunteer as coaches, assistant coaches, billets for Athletes in Action staff, and numerous other roles. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer please contact and

We are currently recruiting for the following roles:
1. Summer Camp Coach
Lead a team of kids (a group leader) and follow the directions of the AIA coaches (this is for those who are 16 or older and who have some level of soccer experience).
2. Summer Camp Assistant
Assist a Summer Camp Coach in leading a group of kids, hang out with kids on the sideline if they aren’t feeling well, and be willing to assist with other tasks (this is for those who are under 16 or who have less soccer experience).
3. Billet Families
Take in a coach or two from AIA as they serve us during camp. This includes providing meals and lodging from Sunday evening through Friday. If you have an extra room and available bed in your home, please consider this!
4. Wherever Needed
Would you like to help but you aren’t sure how? Or maybe you would like to be involved but cannot commit to the entire time period? Please let us know.
All volunteers will be expected to attend an orientation session on Sunday evening (August 11). If you are volunteering for the entire duration of this event, we ask that you would be present from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday (August 12-16).
Again, if you would like to volunteer, please contact and and let us know which role you would like to serve in!


  •  12 August 2024 - 16 August 2024
     9:00 am - 3:00 pm