We are commissioned to join God on mission, taking the good news of Jesus to the world. We are called to equip, send and support those called to global missions as we participate in what God is up to.
Jesus is at work all around our world, and it’s our joy to join in with what God is doing. Here are a few of the ways that we are partnering with organizations both nationally and internationally.

International Missions
- North American Baptist International Missions
- El Refugio, Mexico
- Pioneers
- R. Sanden, EWay Ministries, Ukraine
- D. Sczebel, A Home Away Ministry, Odessa, Ukraine

National Missions
- Faith Mission Canada (J & K Evans)
- Youth Unlimited (M. Wilms)
- North American Baptist BC Association
- Taylor University,

Hosting Ukrainian Families
If you would like to open your home to Ukrainian families looking to come to Kamloops from Ukraine in the upcoming weeks please go to I CAN HELP HOST for more information and sign up.
ICanHelp.Host is a solidarity platform created by a dedicated team of volunteers in response to a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
For more information about how you can join in and serve, please contact the office at info@summitdrive.com